Girl Pride depicts three friends in a bedroom swapping Euro 22 football stickers. On the wall are posters of some of their favourite football heroes including Alex Scott, Millie Bright, Megan Rapinoe, Marta Vieira da Silva and Briana Scurry. This painting celebrates the powerful nature of friendship groups that offer individuals the chance to share and enjoy their passion. These friends are fully immersed in football culture, the role models on the posters that surround them are strong, powerful athletes these girls can identify with.
"I wanted to create this painting after attending the opening game of UEFA Euro 22 at Old Trafford. It was so beautiful and inspiring to see so many young people and families attend the match and to experience the pride the fans had in watching the Lionesses play at the highest level. I wanted the painting to celebrate the empowerment that female athletes create for our daughters and granddaughters, giving them successful, positive role models."
This print is available at both the McKee Gallery and in our online shop!