Pete McKee’s Mixtape Exchange is coming to London!

Pete McKee’s Mixtape Exchange is coming to London!

For one day only at Mr Bingo’s shop in London this February, the artist Pete McKee is giving you a free print in exchange for your mixtapes.

If you grew up in the 70s, 80s or 90s then the humble mixtape was likely to have played an important part in your life. Maybe it’s how you found out about new music from an older / cooler relative or, perhaps, you made one for the love of your life, and then another when that love was cut short. Or, possibly they were your soundtrack for getting ready to party at the weekend.

The mixtape has been an important part of Pete’s life and now he would love to hear yours and your stories about them. So, for one day only, he is inviting you to bring him your cassettes and, in exchange, you will receive a free signed A3 print (the print is the image in this post). The mixtape exchange will be taking place on Saturday 22nd February at Mr Bingo’s shop in London between 10am and 2pm. So, get digging through your old cassettes! 

Please note, we are just looking for one cassette from you and we will not be giving out multiple prints if you bring in more than one tape. The prints will be available while stocks last. Pete will be around on the day to chat to you about your music memories and we will have a very small selection of McKee merch for sale too.

‘I love mixtapes and there is no truer demonstration of love than making a mixtape for someone. It shows them what great musical taste you have and, if they don’t like it, well maybe that’s how you find out it's not meant to be. I am collecting tapes for a future art project so can’t wait to hear your stories about them. I am really excited about holding this event at Mr Bingo’s shop in London – an artist I have admired for a long time. Thanks for hosting us and this idea Mr Bingo x’ – Pete McKee

Pete McKee’s Mixtape Exchange
Saturday 22nd February
10AM - 2PM
Mr Bingo’s Shop
46 Amwell St,

If you have any questions please contact the McKee team at

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